perm filename SYL[AP,DBL] blob sn#092151 filedate 1974-03-21 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
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C00003 00003	1. Fundamental AI (including representation, problem-solving, 
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                        STANFORD UNIVERSITY


                          SPRING,   1974



WARNING WARNING:  an additional "fact sheet" is available
  from guynn perry and supplements this list; do not pose any questions
  until after examining both this list and that sheet.

1. Fundamental AI (including representation, problem-solving, 
                             history, and languages)

Amarel, Saul (1968) On Representations of Problems of Reasoning about
        Actions.  Machine Intelligence 3,  pp. 131-171 (eds. Meltzer,
        B. and Michie, D.),  New York:  American Elsevier Pub. Co.

Bobrow, D. and Raphael, B. (1973) New Programming Languages
        for AI Research.  XEROX Report CSL-73-2,
        August 20, 1973.

Feigenbaum, E. and Feldman, J. (eds) (1963) Computers and Thought.
        New York: McGraw-Hill. Part 1, Secs. 1,2,3,6; Part 2, Sec. 1
        and also the Feigenbaum article in Sec. 2; Part 3, only the
        Minsky article.

McCarthy,J. and Hayes, P. (1969) Some Philosophical Problems from
        the Standpoint of Artificial Intelligence. Machine
        Intelligence 4,  pp. 463-502 (eds Meltzer and MIchie)
        Edinburgh:  Edinburgh University Press.

Minsky, M. and Papert, S. (1972) Artificial Intelligence Progress
        Report.   MIT Project MAC, AI Memo 252. 

Newell, A. (1969)  Heuristic Programming: Ill-Structured Problems,
        in (ed. Aronofsky, A.) Progress in Operations Research III,
        John Wiley and Sons.  pp. 360-414.

Nilsson, N. J. (1971) Problem-Solving Methods in Artificial Intelligence.
        New York:  McGraw-Hill.

In Addition:  Thumb Through the following, to get an idea what
        material is likely to occur in each:
        Artificial Intelligence Journal
        Machine Intelligence

2. Natural Language

Minsky, Marvin (ed) (1968) Semantic Information Processing.
        Cambridge:  M.I.T. Press. Note: Study the first chapter and just
        scan the rest.  

Schank, R., and Colby, K.(eds) (1973) Computer Models of Thought and Language.
        Freeman & Co.  Note: parts are also relevant to psychology.

Simmons, R. (1965) Answering English Questions by Computer: A Survey,
        CACM 8, 1; January, 1965,  pp. 53-70.

Simmons, R. (1970) Natural Language Question Answering Systems.
        CACM 13, 1; January, 1970,  pp. 15-30.

3. Vision and Robotics

Agin, G. and Binford, T.  (1973)  Computer Description of Curved
        Objects. Third Internatonal Joint Conference
        on Artificial Intelligence, Advanced Papers pp 629-640.

Feldman, J., Pingle, Binford, Falk, Kay, Paul, Sproull, and
        Tenenbaum. (1971) The Use of Vision and Manipulation
        to Solve the "Instant Insanity" Puzzle.  Proceedings
        of the Second International Joint Conference on Artificial
        Intelligence.  London: The British Computer Society.

Fikes, Hart, and Nilsson (1972) Learning and Executing Generalized
        Robot Plans.  Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 3 (Winter, 1972).
        Note: this paper also bears on inductive inference.

Winston, P. H. (1972)  The M.I.T. Robot,
        Machine Intelligence 7, American Elsevier Pub., 
        pp. 436-442 only.   ←←←←  note carefully

Yakimovsky, Y. and Feldman, J. (1973) A Semantics-Based Decision
        Theory Region Analyzer. Third IJCAI, Advanced Papers pp 580-8.

In addition, the following films must be viewed (Available at AI Lab):
        Motion & Vision (Nov., 1972) Suzanne Kandra.  22 minutes.
        Automated Pump Assembly (April, 1973) Paul & Pingle. 7 min.

4. Speech Understanding

*Erman, Fennell, Lesser, and Reddy (1973) System Organization for Speech
        Understanding.  Third IJCAI, pp. 194-199.
        Note: the three references marked by an asterisk (*) are
        also available together in "Working Papers in Speech
        Recognition", CMU Comp. Sci. Speech Group, Aug. 1973.

Newell, Barnett, Forgie, Green, Licklider, Munson, Reddy, and
        Woods (1971) Speech Understanding Systems: Final Report of a
        Study Group.  Carnegie-Mellon University:  Computer Science
        Department. Chaps. 1,2,3,4,5,6; Appendix A2.
        Also published in book form as Speech Understading
        Systems (1973) Amsterdam: North-Holland.

*Reddy, D. Raj, Erman, Fennell, an Neely (1973)  The HEARSAY Speech
        Understanding System: An Example of the Recognition Process.
        Third IJCAI,  pp. 185-193.

*Reddy, Erman, an Neely (1973) A Model and a System for Machine
        Recognition of Speech.  IEEE Transactons, Audio and
        Electrostatics, Autumn, 21 (3) , June, 1973.

Woods, W. A. and Makhoul, J. (1973) Mechnical Inference Problems in
        Continuous Speech Understanding. Third IJCAI, pp.  200-207.

5. Automatic Programming

Darlington, J. and Burstall, R. (1973) A System Which
        Automatically Improves Programs. Third IJCAI, pp. 479-485.

Floyd, R.W. (1971) Toward Interactive Design of Correct
        Programs.  IFIP 1971 (C.V. Freiman, ed.) V.1, pp 7-10.

Nilsson, N. J. (1971) Problem-Solving Methods in Artificial Intelligence.
        New York:  McGraw-Hill.  Note:  Chapter 7 only is relevant here.

6. Psychology

Newell, A., and Simon, H. (1972) Human Problem Solving.
        Prentice-Hall, Inc.   Note: Chapter 14 only.

Newell, A. (1973) Production Systems: Models of Control Structures,
        May, 1973 CMU Report; also published in
        (W. G. Chase, ed.) Visual Information Processing,
        New York: Academic Press. Chapter 10,  pp. 463-526.

Schank, R., and Colby, K.(eds) (1973) Computer Models of Thought and Language.
        Freeman & Co.  Note: parts are also relevant to natural language.

Simon, H. (1973) Lessons from Perception for Chess-Playing Programs
        (and vice versa), CMU Computer Science Research Review
        1972-1973,  pp. 35-40.

7. Inductive Inference

Buchanan, Feigenbaum, and Sridharan (1972) Heuristic Theory Formation,
        in Machine Intelligence 7,  American Elsevier Pub.
        pp. 267-280 only (skip the appendix).

Fikes, Hart, and Nilsson (1972) Learning and Executing Generalized
        Robot Plans.  Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 3 (Winter, 1972).
        Note: of course this paper bears on Robotics as well.

Also: Winston's section of the MIT Progress Report (1972;
        Minsky & Papert; see under Fundamental AI)  is relevant here.

8. Applications

Feigenbaum, E. et al. (1971) On Generality and Problem Solving:
        A Case Study Using the DENDRAL Program. (eds Meltzer and
        Michie) Machine Intelligence 6,  pp 165-190.

Martin, W., and Fateman, R. (1971) The Macsyma System, in
        (S. Petrick, ed.) Second Symposium on Symbolic and
        Algebraic Manipulation.  N.Y.: ACM SIGSAM.  pp. 59-75.

Shortliffe, E., Axline, Buchanan, Merigan, Cohen (1973) An AI Program
        to Advise Physicians Regarding Antimicrobial Therapy, in
        Computers and Biomedical Research, Vol. 6, No. 6, December, 1973,
        pp. 544-560.